As we’ve noted in the past, Christian Louboutin’s success with bags has not been as pervasive or consistent as his success with shoes. For whatever reason, not every company that successfully designs one proves skilled at the other, a phenomenon for which Louboutin has at times been the poster boy.
louis vuitonThe laptop batteryChristian Louboutin Sweet Charity Watersnake Shoulder Bag,lui viton though, succeeds where some of the brand’s handbag designs tend to fail. I’ve been a fan of this particular shape from Louboutin since it began gracing stores last year, and this silver watersnake iteration easily constitutes the bag’s best version yet.
laptop batteriesThis design perfectly walks the line between prim and glam. The silver finish on the watersnake is dazzling, not to mention that this particular material looks a lot more like much-pricier python that any watersnake I’ve ever seen, which makes the $1500 price tag seem comparatively reasonable. The black trim and traditional shape provide important counterpoints to the glittering snakeskin, and at ten inches wide, this bag could play the day-to-night game like a champ. Buy through Matches for $1572.